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Monday, April 21, 2008


昨天做了这美味的笋馃。笋馃皮是用“米台目” 杆的。馅料里有沙葛,红萝卜丝和鸡肉丝。蒸了第一轮,女儿就迫不及待的拿了一个来试吃,吃了两口,她说:”This is the nicest kueh that I have ever tasted”,之后,连续又吃多两个。看她吃得那么开心,我也觉得好满足!
老公尝后也说好吃极了。他说笋馃皮可以杆厚些因为馅料很够味,吃不倒馃皮。做了500克的米台目, 原本还以为晚餐有着落了,怎知还不够呢!哈哈。。笋馃制作。。成功。。Yeh。! 非常感谢Auntie Irene的指导!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

65°C Wholemeal buns

At last my 65°C wholemeal bun is successful. Have tried for many times, but the results were not satisfactory. Yesterday’s bun was the softest ever that I have made. Feel REALLY HAPPY about it.
Thank you Auntie Irene for the recipe. (To Dorene – my loaf is still unsuccessful, 真是伤脑筋啊! I will keep trying).

Sorry, the buns colour is not so nice. (I didn't brush with melted butter). Try to consume less fat.
Auntie Irene will sure to say "哎哟,这么难看" again ...ha...ha...