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Monday, May 4, 2009

New York Cheese Cake

Hi everybody, it has been a long time since I last updated my blog.

All these while I still continued doing some baking here & there, but I was too lazy to update ...ha...ha...sorry!
1st May was my nephew Wei Jhin's birthday...he requested a cheese cake, so I decided to bake him the New York Cheese cake. Recipe was taken from http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Chantals-New-York-Cheesecake/Detail.aspx
Although my chocolate ganache was quite messy, 1st time doing... but all of us enjoyed this cake very much. My nephew actually wanted to decorate the cake with his cars & aeroplanes, but no space, so he decided to arrange them by the side.

The texture of the cake is very fine & creamy...it makes you wants to eat more......

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Baked Cheesy Prawns & Japanese Mua-Chi

星期五我煮了500克的芝士烤虾,家人吃不够。星期六原本要买大只一些的虾,到了Sheng Song活虾正在offer...非常新鲜,所以买了一公斤。 女儿看了这一大盘的虾,拍手叫好,吃得开心极了!谢谢Auntie Irene提供这么棒的食谱!

之后也做了MichelleJapanese Mua-chi. Texture is super soft. 裹了花生芝麻和黑豆沙。经Michelle一提才知之前我做的mua-chi都microware太久了,所以不够软。在此非常感谢Michelle的指点和食谱。

Monday, January 19, 2009

Kueh Bangkit, Pineapple Tarts, Biscotti & Fried Poh Piah Skin

看了Mabel, Nicole, Margaret 和May做的Kueh Bangkit, 让我真的好想再试一试(去年做不成功)。于是摇了个电话给Auntie Irene, 她很热心的向我讲解了一遍。两天后我就战战兢兢的做了这Kueh Bangkit。老实说,这Kueh Bangkit还真的好多功耶!忙了一整个上午,做了五百多粒,可是还没来得及装罐,就给孩子和侄儿们一个接一个的吃剩了两罐。问他们好吃吗?他们只是猛点头,因为嘴巴没空回答。。。 看他们吃得那么开心,我也好开心。Kueh Bangkit真的好香脆,甜度刚刚好,吃了让人停不了。。谢谢Auntie Irene的食谱和讲解。




又香又脆的杏仁片Biscotti ,也是老公的最爱。。因为最健康,没有牛油!
