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Monday, December 29, 2008

Pizza, Chocolate Banana Muffin & Chicken Wings

These are the few things that I made for the past few days. Chicken & Prawn Pizza, Chocolate Banana Muffin & Roast Honey Chicken Wings. All these are my family's favourite.

Crispy thin crust, top up with chicken meat, prawns, red, green & yellow capsicums, big onion, tomato, with lots of mozzarella cheese. You just can't resist it. Although my pizza shape is a bit unusual (no proper pizza pan), but the taste is heaven....

Yummy Chocolate Chip Banana Muffin. The crust is crunchy & fragrance, soft & moist in the middle....mmm.....nice!

Simple & yet delicious Roast Honey Chicken Wings. You should give it a try. Simply marinate the chicken wings with oyster sauce, sesame oil, honey & some dark soya sauce, roast them till golden brown...voila...bonappetit...enjoy!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sweet Buns, Fried Bee Hives, Yam Rice

It has been a long times since I updated my post...sorry! I have moved into my new place one month ago. Everything is almost settled down. Last weekend my children requested for sweet buns, so I managed to produced 2 lot of sweet buns with hot dog, butter sugar & red bean paste. My 2 little one just can't stop eating when the buns freshly out from the oven. So happy that they enjoyed them so much.


晚餐也煮了厨房笔记的芋头饭,做法简单又美味可口,真是一级棒!谢谢Aunty Irene 的食谱!:)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Abacus Seeds & Birthday Cake

This is the second time I made this very tasty abacus seeds. My family members like it very much. The abacus seeds has very nice texture, soft & chewy.
Because last Sunday was my birthday, my girl was asking me to bake a cake, but i was extremely busy with the selling house matter. So at last settle for this simple stir & bake Low fat moist carrot cake. Recipe was given by May. Thanks May! The cake was indeed very moist, but because it was made from wholemeal flour, it was not very appealing to kids ..ha..ha... it was well received by my colleagues though. My cake is not very pretty....sorry!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Strawberry Mousse Cake

星期天为了庆祝家婆的生日所以做了Strawberry Mousse Cake. 蛋糕的旁边有点不完美,但整体上还可以! 大家看了蛋糕都很惊讶哦!说是我买的! 呵呵呵。。谢谢Auntie Irene 的食谱和教导。

Monday, June 16, 2008

Cheese Cake

昨天做了Cheese Cake with sponge cake base 庆祝父亲节。这也是我第一次尝试做cheese cake. 整体上蛋糕还OK。。。可是我的piping真的很烂。。字体全在发抖。。哈哈。。因为实在是少练的关系。
为了不让自己吃那么多cheese cake,所以把蛋糕分出去,拿了一半给家婆,其他的带来公司和同事分享,独胖胖,不如众胖胖嘛。。哈哈哈。。很坏哦。。。。

Monday, May 12, 2008

Cappuccino Mousse Cake

Making Cappuccino Mousse Cake for the 1st time to celebrate Mother’s Day yesterday. The sponge cake that I baked end up was slightly smaller than the cake tin. Cake tin size is 20cm, baked 22cm cake, don’t know what went wrong…sighhh…. :( Even though the side of the cake is not very nice, but it definitely tastes great. Thank you Auntie Irene for explaining patiently to me the steps of making this cake through phone. I have disappointed you this time, but I am sure I will do better the next round. Sorry!

Monday, April 21, 2008


昨天做了这美味的笋馃。笋馃皮是用“米台目” 杆的。馅料里有沙葛,红萝卜丝和鸡肉丝。蒸了第一轮,女儿就迫不及待的拿了一个来试吃,吃了两口,她说:”This is the nicest kueh that I have ever tasted”,之后,连续又吃多两个。看她吃得那么开心,我也觉得好满足!
老公尝后也说好吃极了。他说笋馃皮可以杆厚些因为馅料很够味,吃不倒馃皮。做了500克的米台目, 原本还以为晚餐有着落了,怎知还不够呢!哈哈。。笋馃制作。。成功。。Yeh。! 非常感谢Auntie Irene的指导!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

65°C Wholemeal buns

At last my 65°C wholemeal bun is successful. Have tried for many times, but the results were not satisfactory. Yesterday’s bun was the softest ever that I have made. Feel REALLY HAPPY about it.
Thank you Auntie Irene for the recipe. (To Dorene – my loaf is still unsuccessful, 真是伤脑筋啊! I will keep trying).

Sorry, the buns colour is not so nice. (I didn't brush with melted butter). Try to consume less fat.
Auntie Irene will sure to say "哎哟,这么难看" again ...ha...ha...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wholemeal bun

前两晚下班后就赶回家做全麦面包。这是我第一次做全麦面包。虽然忙至晚上十点多, 可是还是觉得很开心, 很满足,因为我终于可以自制健康的全麦面包了。刚烘好的面包是外脆内软的, 隔天面包还是一样的柔软我们一家都爱上这全麦面包了。在此我要好好的谢谢Dorene 和Auntie Irene 提供的食谱, 感激你们无私的分享。
Above with chocolate paste filling.
Left side with ground peanut & white sesame seed filling

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Coffee Cup Cake

晚做了厨房笔记的咖啡小蛋糕,因为家里没有香兰香精和椰浆,所以把它改为咖啡口味。用Optima flour做出来的蛋糕的确与众不同,就如

Auntie Irene 所说的,蛋糕非常松软,像绵花一般,孩子非常喜欢。谢谢Auntie Irene提供的食谱。

Monday, March 10, 2008

Papaya Enzyme & Banana Cake


Friday, February 29, 2008

Puff Bun

香香QQ的Puff Bun 出炉啦!吃了两个才记得拍照,哈哈。。因为烘的时候太香了,所以一拿出烘炉孩子就迫不及待的吃掉了两粒!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Banana cake

这是Mind your body的Banana Cake recipe. Mmm...在烤时,整间屋子芳香四溢。蛋糕很松软,口感很不错!食谱的份量很小,只有一个loaf tin而已,所以蛋糕不到半天就解决了。

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


趁着新年前的最后一个周末赶紧做了入口即化的黄梨塔香酥的杏仁饼干香香脆脆的乳酪饼干送给妈妈和岳母一家人(之前送给同事的忘了拍照)。虽然饼干看起来并不多,可是一个人做还顶忙的因为老公没空帮我。不过做好了很有满足感谢谢Auntie Irene的食谱

Monday, January 21, 2008


新年总少不了肉干。星期五接到了Auntie Irene 的肉干食谱兴致勃勃, 周末赶紧尝试做。哎哟哟,真是一踏糊涂,首先是搞错塑胶袋的尺寸,拿去晒时,蚂蚁又来光顾,不一会儿太阳也躲起来,没法了,只好用凤扇来代劳, 要反面的时候又觉得太簿,拿不起来,只好把它对折。由于第一次做,没经验掌握火候,烧焦了不少。还好,做出来的口感和味道都很棒Auntie Irene, 谢谢您的食谱,对不起, 做得不好,让您失望了

Kueh Makmur & Pineapple Tarts

随着新年的到来,做了kueh makmurpineapple tarts 让同事们品尝。大家都吃得津津有味,不亦乐乎。第一次做kueh makmur, 有点战战兢兢,不过,一切都很成功。谢谢Auntie Irene 的食谱.

Pineapple, lime & dragon fruit enzyme harvest

First time trying the dragon fruit & lime enzyme. Both of them taste quite nice though the dragon fruit don’t have much liquor taste, but taste more like Ribena.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Butter Cake 2

这是用Auntie Irene的食谱做的牛油蛋糕,奶油味香香的,蛋糕微湿,很松软。。。mmm....好吃。。。偷偷的告诉你,我用了20cm的烤盘,蛋糕发得溢出了烤盘,照片看不出来吧。。。嘻嘻。。

Friday, January 4, 2008


Hallo...hallo...大家好吗! 祝大家新的一年里有更多的收获,心想事成,万事如意。因为工作太忙,已经一个月半没update blog了,真的不好意思。 趁着新年一月一号没上班,赶紧做了三种酵素,酸柑,龙珠果和黄梨。酵素也缺货了一个月。女儿一直吵着要喝酵素...嘻嘻..再等多11天吧!